If you want a jutsu, summon or weapon to be added to your character app, you will have to post the application in the respective section. After it has been reviewed and approved, you will have to train it.
Training means writing a short IN-RPG topic where you obtain the jutsu, weapon etc. and train how to use it. The higher the rank of the thing trained, the more you will have to write.
E-rank = 100 words
D-rank = 150 words
C-rank = 300 words
B-rank = 400 words
A-rank = 500 words
S-rank = 800 words
If you create a weapon that's rank raises with the character, you can either train the maximum rank right away or make a new topic each time your rank raises. However, it will be easier to just train the maximum rank.
If you train for a summon, you will have to train
1. the summon's rank
2. all it's jutsu with half the words.
For example, if you create a C-rank summon with one C-rank jutsu, you will have to train 300 words for the summon and 150 for the jutsu.